jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017

23 d'agost - Sting


Sting was born in a humble family, his father was a milkman. Nowadays Sting is one very rich man. He has amassed a fortune and he has decided invest his fortune in some ventures. His children are not going to inherit the money.
He does not want his children being naughty and lazy men and women. I share his thoughts; you have to teach your sons and daughters to be independent people.
In his long career Sting has grown into one of the most famous singers in the world and he has sold a huge amount of records. First when he was in The Police (his first band) and after when he was embarked his solo career.
His fortune is estimated at £180m and he has a payroll than more than 100 people, so he says that he is expending money paying for them and for his commitments.
I believe he knows that his family is in a good position in life and they don’t need the money to make a living.
He is conscious that some people, who were born with a silver spoon are jealous, they do not know how hard it is earning money. Some of them have lost their time wasting the fortunes that they had inherited.
Maybe this is a reason why he has put their big house on the market to sell. Their sons and daughters are adults now and he prefers living in a smaller house now. Some British people thought that he wanted to leave UK but he declared that he loved England and he is not going to leave the country.
This kind of news makes me think about education and how import it is to teach children in a real world. If you give them everything that they want it is not safe for them because they don’t learn how important it is being independent.

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